Prof. Geoffrey A. T. Martin
Audio resource: Geoffrey tells of his time
Geoffrey was an accomplished storyteller. On 24th August 2019, he recorded an interview with Sergio Alarcón Robledo, a recent MPhil Egyptology graduate from Christ's who became a friend and colleague. In the interview, Geoffrey told of his first field season in the Nile Valley, at the site of Buhen, in 1963-64: the following conversation highlights give an impression of the kind of man he was, and the stories he could tell.
Christmas 1963: A Sudanese cook and a very special cheese
A wild man (with an Oxford accent) crossing the desert
Along the Nile by steamer: Abu Simbel in the moonlight
Born in 1934 in South Ockendon, Essex, Geoffrey Martin obtained his BA in Ancient History from University College London in 1963, following a period of training as a chartered librarian and National Service. He followed this up with postgraduate study in Cambridge, becoming a Fellow of Christ's and taking his MA in 1966. He received his PhD in 1969, during his Junior Research Fellowship.
Following his BA in Ancient History from University College London in 1963, Geoffrey came to Cambridge where he took his MA in 1966, and joined the Fellowship at Christ’s as the Lady Wallis Budge Junior Research Fellow that year. He was awarded his PhD in 1969 during his Junior Research Fellowship.
Geoffrey left the Fellowship in 1970 to return to University College London as a lecturer in Egyptology, where he was ultimately Edwards Professor of Egyptian Archaeology and Philology. He was also a Senior Fellow of the McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research in Cambridge, Vice-President of the Egypt Exploration Society, Corresponding Member of the German Archaeological Institute, and Patron of the Thurrock Local History Society.
He participated in and directed fieldwork and epigraphic missions in The Sudan (Buhen), in Egypt (Saqqara, Amarna and The Valley of Kings, Luxor) and was Field Director on the Cambridge Expedition to the Valley of the Kings. He was most well known for his discoveries at Saqqara of the tomb of Maya, Tutankhamun’s treasurer, and the private tomb of Horemheb. Geoffrey was the author of numerous monographs, mostly concerning results of archaeological fieldwork, epigraphy and sigillography, and papers on Egyptological themes.
Following his retirement Geoffrey returned to Cambridge and was elected a Fellow-Commoner of the College in 1998. In the years that followed, he was a much esteemed and valued member of the College community, tirelessly contributing as Honorary Keeper of the Archives, Honorary Keeper of the Plate and Acting Praelector in 2009. He took particular interest in the Lady Wallis Budge Junior Research Fellows in the College, participating in seminars they arranged and acting as an inspirational guide and mentor. Geoffrey continued making these valuable contributions even through the coronavirus pandemic of 2020-2022, despite no longer being in good health. His passing on 7th March 2022 came as a great shock to the College community, with Christ's and the Egyptology world at large being united in sadness and gratitude for a life of great scholarly achievement.
Martin, Geoffrey T. 1968. A new prince of Byblos. Journal of Near Eastern Studies 27 (2), 141-142.
Martin, Geoffrey T. 1969. A ruler of Byblos of the Second Intermediate Period. Berytus 18, 81-83.
MARTIN, Geoffrey, The Tomb of a Royal 'Heretic' of the Fourteenth Century B.C., Christ's College Magazine, Oxford 60, No 195 (1970), 129-132 (1 ill.).
Martin, Geoffrey Thorndike 1971. Egyptian administrative and private-name seals principally of the Middle Kingdom and Second Intermediate Period. Oxford: Griffith Institute, Ashmolean Museum.
Martin, Geoffrey T. 1973. Excavations in the sacred animal necropolis at North Saqqâra, 1971-2: preliminary report. Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 59, 5-15.
Martin, Geoffrey T. 1974. Excavations in the sacred animal necropolis at North Saqqâra, 1972-3: preliminary report. Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 60, 15-29.
Martin, Geoffrey Thorndike 1974. The rock tombs of el-'Amarna. Part VII: the royal tomb at El-'Amarna I. The objects. Archaeological Survey of Egypt 35. London: Egypt Exploration Society.
Martin, Geoffrey T. and W. V. Davies 1974. Current research for higher degrees in Egyptology, Coptic and related studies in the United Kingdom. Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 60, 261-263.
Martin, G. T. 1975. Bedeutendes altägyptisches Grabmal entdeckt. Antike Welt 6 (4), 53.
Martin, Geoffrey T. 1975. Discovery of the Memphite tomb of Horemheb. Illustrated London News 263 (6925), 73-75.
Martin, G. T., E. G. Turner, J. B. Segal, H. S. Smith, R. H. Pierce, W. J. Tait, and J. D. Ray 1975. The Saqqara papyri. In Anonymous (ed.), Proceedings of the XIV International Congress of Papyrologists, Oxford, 24-31, July, 1974, 247-267. London: The British Academy; Egypt Exploration Society.
Martin, Geoffrey T. and W. V. Davies 1976. Current research for higher degrees in Egyptology, Coptic, and related studies in the United Kingdom, No. 2. Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 62, 188-189.
Martin, Geoffrey T. 1976. Captors and prisoners in Horemheb’s tomb. Illustrated London News 264 (6936), 61-62.
Martin, Geoffrey T. 1976. Excavations at the Memphite tomb of Ḥoremḥeb, 1975: preliminary report. Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 62, 5-13.
Martin, Geoffrey T. 1976-1977. Le tombeau d’Horemheb à Saqqarah. Bulletin de la Société Française d'Égyptologie 77-78, 11-25.
Martin, Geoffrey T. 1976. The tomb of Akhenaten at El-cAmarna. De Ibis: nieuwe serie 1 (3), 39-42.
Martin, Geoffrey T. 1977. Excavations at the Memphite tomb of Ḥorembeb, 1976: preliminary report. Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 63, 13-19.
Martin, Geoffrey T. 1978. Excavations at the Memphite tomb of Horemheb, 1977: preliminary report. Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 64, 5-9.
Martin, Geoffrey T. 1978. Mosaic glass: a correction. Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 64, 141.
Martin, Geoffrey T. 1978. Some private-name and stamp-seals in Stockholm. Medelhavsmuseet Bulletin 13, 3-5.
Martin, Geoffrey T. 1978. The tomb of Horemheb, commander-in-chief of Tutankhamun. Archaeology 31 (4), 14-23.
Martin, Geoffrey T. 1978. The tomb-chambers of Horemheb. Illustrated London News 266 (6954), 50-51.
Martin, Geoffrey T. and W. V. Davies 1978. Current research for higher degrees in Egyptology, Coptic, and related studies in the United Kingdom, No. 3. Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 64, 148-14
Martin, Geoffrey T. 1979. Excavations at the Memphite tomb of Ḥoremḥeb. Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 65, 13-16.
Martin, Geoffrey Thorndike 1979. The tomb of Ḥetepka and other reliefs and inscriptions from the Sacred Animal Necropolis, North Saqqâra, 1964-1973. With chapters by Alan B. Lloyd and J.J. Wilkes and a contribution by R.V. Nicholls. London: Egypt Exploration Society.
Martin, Geoffrey T. 1979. A block from the Memphite tomb of Ḥoremḥeb in Chicago. Journal of Near Eastern Studies 38 (1), 33-35.
Martin, Geoffrey T. 1979. Private-name seals in the Alnwick Castle collection. Mitteilungen des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts, Abteilung Kairo 35, 215-226.
Martin, G. T. 1979. The New Kingdom necropolis at Saqqâra. In Reineke, Walter F. (ed.), Acts: First International Congress of Egyptology, Cairo October 2-10, 1976, 457-463. Berlin: Akademie-Verlag.
Martin, Geoffrey T. 1980. Current research for higher degrees in Egyptology. Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 66, 174-175.
Bietak, Manfred, Josef Eiwanger, R. S. Bianchi, Karen L. Wilson, Geoffrey T. Martin, Eugen Strouhal, P. Grossmann, D. Arnold, R. Farag, A. R. Abdal-Tawab, R. Fazzini, Jean Vercoutter, and Rosemarie Klemm 1980. Ausgrabungen und Forschungsreisen: Ägypten. Archiv für Orientforschung 27, 281-316.
Martin, Geoffrey Thorndike 1981. The sacred animal necropolis at North Saqqâra: the southern dependencies of the main temple complex. Egypt Exploration Society, Excavation Memoir 50. London: Egypt Exploration Society.
Martin, Geoffrey T. 1981. Expedition to the royal tomb of Akhenaten. Illustrated London News 269 (6998), 66-67.
Martin, Geoffrey T. 1981. A New Kingdom dyad from the Memphite necropolis. Mitteilungen des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts, Abteilung Kairo 37, 307-311.
Martin, Geoffrey T. 1982. Queen Mutnodjmet at Memphis and el-cAmarna. In Anonymous (ed.), L’Égyptologie en 1979: axes prioritaires de recherches 2, 275-278. Paris: Éditions du Centre national de la Recherche scientifique.
Martin, Geoffrey T. 1982. Tutankhamun’s commander-in-chief and his Memphite tomb. Popular Archaeology 3 (9, March), 27-30.
Martin, Geoffrey T. 1982. A facsimile corpus of decorated and inscribed tomb reliefs of the New Kingdom, mainly from the Memphite necropolis. Göttinger Miszellen 57, 7-9.
Martin, Geoffrey T. 1982. Two monuments of New Kingdom date in North American collections. Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 68, 81-84.
Martin, Geoffrey T. 1982. On some shabtis of Mutnodjmet, wife of Psusennes I. Bulletin de la Société d'Égyptologie de Genève 7, 73-78.
Martin, Geoffrey T. 1982. Saqqara. In James, T. G. H. (ed.), Excavating in Egypt: the Egypt Exploration Society 1882-1982, 107-122. London: British Museum Publications.
Martin, Geoffrey T. 1983. Review: Smith, Ray Winfield and Donald B. Redford 1976. The Akhenaten Temple Project, volume 1: initial discoveries. Warminster: Aris and Phillips.\ Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 69, 173-174. DOI: 10.2307/3821456.
Martin, Geoffrey T. 1983. Current research for higher degrees in Egyptology, Coptic, and related studies in the United Kingdom, No. 5. Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 69, 166-167.
Martin, Geoffrey T. 1983. Recent discoveries of New Kingdom date in the Memphite necropolis. Journal of the Society for the Study of Egyptian Antiquities 13 (1), 44-47.
Martin, Geoffrey T. 1983. The tomb of Tia and Tia: preliminary report on the Saqqâra excavations. Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 69, 25-29.
Martin, G[eoffrey] T. 1983. Ṣaqqâra. In Hall, Rosalind M. and H. S. Smith (eds), Ancient centres of Egyptian civilization, 37-44. London: The Egyptian Education Bureau.
Martin, Geoffrey T. 1984. The tomb of Tia and Tia: preliminary report on the Saqqâra excavations. Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 70, 5-12.
Martin, G. T. 1985. Review: Anonymous (ed.) 1981. Egypt’s golden age: the art of living in the New Kingdom, 1558-1085 B.C. Catalogue of the exhibition. Boston: Museum of Fine Arts. Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 71 (reviews supplement), 43.
Martin, Geoffrey T. 1985. Current research for higher degrees in Egyptology, Coptic, and related studies in the United Kingdom, No. 6. Discussions in Egyptology 2, 25-26.
Martin, Geoffrey T. 1985. Current research for higher degrees in Egyptology, Coptic, and related studies in the United Kingdom, No. 7. Discussions in Egyptology 3, 29.
Martin, Geoffrey Thorndike 1985. Scarabs, cylinders and other ancient Egyptian seals: a checklist of publications. Warminster: Aris & Phillips.
Martin, Geoffrey Thorndike 1985. The tomb-chapels of Paser and Racia at Saqqâra. Egypt Exploration Society, Excavation Memoir 52. London: Egypt Exploration Society.
Martin, Geoffrey T. 1985. Notes on a canopic jar from Kings’ Valley tomb 55. In Posener-Kriéger, Paule (ed.), Mélanges Gamal eddin Mokhtar 2, 111-124. Le Caire: Institut français d’archéologie orientale.
Martin, Geoffrey T., Maarten J. Raven, and David A. Aston 1986. The tomb-chambers of Iurudef: preliminary report on the Saqqâra excavations, 1985. Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 72, 15-22.
Martin, Geoffrey T. 1986. Shabtis of private persons in the Amarna Period. Mitteilungen des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts, Abteilung Kairo 42, 109-129.
Martin, Geoffrey T. 1987. Review: Giveon, Raphael 1985. Egyptian scarabs from Western Asia from the collections of the British Museum. Orbis Biblicus et Orientalis, Series Archaeologica 3. Freiburg (Schweiz); Göttingen: Universitätsverlag; Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht. Orientalia 56 (2), 221-222.
Martin, Geoffrey T. 1987. Theses in Egyptology and related fields in British universities, 1945-1963. Discussions in Egyptology 8, 29-31.
Martin, Geoffrey T. 1987. The Saqqâra New Kingdom necropolis excavations. Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 73, 1-9.
Khouly, Aly el- and Geoffrey Thorndike Martin 1987. Excavations in the Royal Necropolis at el-cAmarna 1984. Supplément aux Annales du Service des Antiquités de l’Egypte 33. Le Caire: Imprimerie de l’Institut français d’Archeologie orientale. ???-but are details right?
Martin, Geoffrey T. 1987. ‘Erotic’ figurines: the Cairo Museum material. Göttinger Miszellen 96, 71-84.
Martin, Geoffrey Thorndike 1987. Corpus of reliefs of the New Kingdom from the Memphite necropolis and Lower Egypt I. Studies in Egyptology. London; New York: Routledge & Kegan Paul.
Martin, Geoffrey T. 1987. A throwstick of Nefertiti in Manchester. Annales du Service des Antiquités de l’Égypte 71, 151-152.
Martin, Geoffrey T. and C. Nicholas Reeves 1987. An unattested funerary cone. Göttinger Miszellen 95, 63-65.
Martin, Geoffrey T. 1988. Review: Chappaz, Jean-Luc 1984. Les figurines funéraires égyptiennes du Musée d'Art et d’Histoire et de quelques collections privées. Aegyptiaca Helvetica 10. Genève: Éditions de Belles-Lettres. Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 74, 255-256. DOI: 10.2307/3821778.
Martin, Geoffrey T., Maarten J. Raven, Barbara Greene Aston, and Jacobus van Dijk 1988. The Tomb of Maya and Meryt: preliminary report on the Saqqâra excavations, 1987-8. Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 74, 1-14.
Martin, Geoffrey T. 1988. The tomb of Maya, treasures of Tutcankhamūn: present knowledge and future prospects. In Zivie, Alain-Pierre (ed.), Memphis et ses nécropoles au Nouvel Empire, nouvelles données, nouvelles questions: actes du colloque CNRS, Paris, 9 au 11 octobre 1986, 69-72. Paris: Éditions du Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique.
Martin, Geoffrey T. 1988. Three objects of New Kingdom date from the Memphite area and Sidmant. In Baines, John, T. G. H. James, Anthony Leahy, and A. F. Shore (eds), Pyramid studies and other essays presented to I. E. S. Edwards, 114-120. London: Egypt Exploration Society.
Martin, Geoffrey Thorndike 1989. The Memphite tomb of Ḥoremḥeb, commander-in-chief of Tut'ankhamūn, I: the reliefs, inscriptions, and commentary. Photographs by C. J. Eyre. Egypt Exploration Society, Excavation Memoir 55. London: Egypt Exploration Society.
Martin, Geoffrey Thorndike 1989. The rock tombs of el-cAmarna. Part VII: the royal tomb at el-'Amarna II. The reliefs, inscriptions, and architecture. Archaeological Survey of Egypt 39. London: Egypt Exploration Society.
Martin, Geoffrey 1991. Funerary but not funereal: reflections on Egyptian art of the late Eighteenth Dynasty. Minerva 2 (2), 28-34.
Martin, Geoffrey 1991. Searching for the tomb of Maya. Minerva 2 (3), 7-15.
Martin, Geoffrey T. 1991. Review: Giveon, Raphael 1988. Scarabs from recent excavations in Israel. Edited by David Warburton and Christoph Uehlinger. Orbis Biblicus et Orientalis 83. Freiburg (Schweiz); Göttingen: Universitätsverlag; Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.\ Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 77, 206-207.
Martin, Geoffrey Thorndike 1991. A bibliography of the Amarna Period and its aftermath: the reigns of Akhenaten, Smenkhkare, Tutankhamun and Ay (c. 1350-1321 BC). Studies in Egyptology. London; New York: Kegan Paul International.
Khouli, Ali el- 1991. Meidum. Edited by Geoffrey T. Martin. Australian Centre for Egyptology: Reports 3. Sydney: The Australian Centre for Egyptology.
Martin, Geoffrey T. 1991. The hidden tombs of Memphis: new discoveries from the time of Tutankhamun and Ramesses the Great. New Aspects of Antiquity. London: Thames and Hudson.
Schneider, Hans D., Geoffrey T. Martin, Barbara Greene Aston, Jacobus van Dijk, Rutger Perizonius, and Eugen Strouhal 1991. The Tomb of Maya and Meryt: preliminary report on the Saqqara excavations, 1990-1. Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 77, 7-21.
Martin, Geoffrey 1991. Re-peopling ancient Memphis. Egyptian Archaeology 1, 23-25.
Schneider, Hans D., Geoffrey T. Martin, Jacobus van Dijk, Barbara Greene Aston, Rutger Perizonius, and Eugen Strouhal 1993. The tomb of Iniuia: preliminary report on the Saqqara excavations, 1993. Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 79, 1-9.
Martin, Geoffrey T. 1994. Auf der Suche nach dem verlorenen Grab: neue Ausgrabungen verschollener und unbekannter Grabanlagen aus der Zeit des Tutanchamun und Ramses II. in Memphis. Translated by Ute Winter. Kulturgeschichte der Antiken Welt 60. Mainz am Rhein: Philipp von Zabern.
Martin, Geoffrey T. 1994. A relief of Nectanebo I and other reused blocks in Apa Jeremias Monastery. In Eyre, Christopher, Anthony Leahy, and Lisa Montagno Leahy (eds), The unbroken reed: studies in the culture and heritage of ancient Egypt in honour of A. F. Shore, 205-216. London: Egypt Exploration Society.
[Forbes, Dennis] 1994. Interview: Geoffrey Martin. KMT 5 (1), 16-23, 88.
Martin, Geoffrey T. 1994. The tomb of the figs. Egyptian Archaeology 5, 3-5.
Martin, Geoffrey T. 1995. Review: Woodward, S. R. and Naguib Kanawati 1993-1995. The tombs of el-Hagarsa: volumes 1-2, 3 vols. Australian Centre for Egyptology: reports 4, 6, 7. Sydney: The Australian Centre for Egyptology. Discussions in Egyptology 31, 119-121.
Martin, Geoffrey T. 1995. Reliefs and architectural fragments from the New Kingdom tombs in the Cairo Museum, principally from the Memphite acropolis. The New Kingdom Memphis Newsletter 3 (October 1995), 5-33.
Schneider, Hans D., Geoffrey T. Martin, Jacobus van Dijk, Barbara G. Aston, Rutger Perizonius, and Eugen Strouhal 1995. The tomb-complex of Pay and Raica: preliminary report on the Saqqara excavations, 1994 season. Oudheidkundige mededelingen uit het Rijksmuseum van Oudheden 75, 13-31.
Martin, Geoffrey T., Maarten J. Raven, Jacobus van Dijk, Barbara G. Aston, and Eugen Strouhal 1996. Preliminary report on the Saqqara excavations, 1995. Oudheidkundige mededelingen uit het Rijksmuseum van Oudheden 76, 35-39.
Giddy, Lisa, David Jeffreys, Janine Bourriau, Geoffrey T. Martin, Paul T. Nicholson, H. S. Smith, Barry Kemp, Peter French, Valerie A. Maxfield, David Peacock, and Pamela Rose 1996. Fieldwork, 1995-6: Memphis, Saqqara, North Saqqara, Tell el-Amarna, Buto, Gebel Dokhan, Qasr Ibrim. Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 82, 1-22.
Martin, Geoffrey T. 1996. A late Middle Kingdom prince of Byblos. In Manuelian, Peter Der (ed.), Studies in honor of William Kelly Simpson 2, 595-599. Boston: Dept. of Ancient Egyptian, Nubian and Near Eastern Art, Museum of Fine Arts.
Dijk, Jacobus van, Maarten J. Raven, Geoffrey T. Martin, Barbara G. Aston, and Eugen Strouhal 1997. Preliminary report on the Saqqara excavations, season 1996. Oudheidkundige mededelingen uit het Rijksmuseum van Oudheden 77, 73-86.
Jeffreys, D[avid] G., W. R[aymond] Johnson, J[anine] D. Bourriau, Geoffrey T. Martin, Barry Kemp, Paul T. Nicholson, Valerie Maxfield, David Peacock, and Pamela Rose 1997. Fieldwork, 1996-7: Memphis, Saqqara, Tell el-Amarna, Mons Porphyrites, Qasr Ibrim. Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 83, 1-15.
Martin, Geoffrey T. 1997. "Covington’s Tomb" and related early monuments at Gîza. In Berger, Catherine and Bernard Mathieu (eds), Études sur l’Ancien Empire et la nécropole de Saqqâra dédiées à Jean-Philippe Lauer 2, 279-288. Montpellier: Université Paul Valéry-Montpellier III.
Martin, Geoffrey Thorndike 1997. The tomb of Tia and Tia: a royal monument of the Ramesside period in the Memphite necropolis. Egypt Exploration Society, Excavation Memoir 58. London: Egypt Exploration Society.
Martin, Geoffrey T. 1998. Preliminary report on the Saqqara excavations, season 1997. Oudheidkundige mededelingen uit het Rijksmuseum van Oudheden 78, 31-32.
Wilson, Penelope, David Jeffreys, Janine Bourriau, W. Raymond Johnson, Geoffrey T. Martin, Paul T. Nicholson, Barry Kemp, Valerie A. Maxfield, David Peacock, and Pamela Rose 1998. Fieldwork, 1997-8: Delta survey, Memphis, Saqqara, Tell el-Amarna, Gebel Dokhan, Qasr Ibrim. Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 84, 1-22.
Martin, Geoffrey T. 1998. Foreigners in the Memphite tombs of Horemheb and Maya. In Shirun-Grumach, Irene (ed.), Jerusalem studies in Egyptology, 207-209. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz.
Martin, Geoffrey T. 1998. A much-published Byblite cylinder seal. In Lesko, Leonard H. (ed.), Ancient Egyptian and Mediterranean studies: in memory of William A. Ward, 173-182. Providence, RI: Department of Egyptology, Brown University.
Martin, Geoffrey T. 1998. The toponym Retjenu on a scarab from Tell el-Dabca. Ägypten und Levante 8, 109-112.
Martin, Geoffrey T. 1999. Review: Kanawati, N. and A. Hassan 1997. The Teti cemetery at Saqqara. Volume II: the tomb of Ankhmahor. Australian Centre for Egyptology: reports 9. Warminster: Aris and Phillips. Discussions in Egyptology 44, 115-118.
Raven, Maarten J., Geoffrey T. Martin, Jacobus van Dijk, and Barbara G. Aston 1999. Preliminary report on the Saqqara excavations, season 1998. Oudheidkundige mededelingen uit het Rijksmuseum van Oudheden 79, 9-17.
Walsem, René van, Geoffrey T. Martin, Barbara G. Aston, Eugen Strouhal, and Ladislava Horáčková 1999. Preliminary report on the Saqqara excavations, season 1999. Oudheidkundige mededelingen uit het Rijksmuseum van Oudheden 79, 19-35.
Martin, Geoffrey T. 1999. Alalakh 194: an ancient seal-impression re-interpreted. In Leahy, Anthony and John Tait (eds), Studies on ancient Egypt in honour of H. S. Smith, 201-207. London: Egypt Exploration Society.
Martin, Geoffrey T. 2000. Memphis: the status of a residence city in the Eighteenth Dynasty. In Bárta, Miroslav and Jaromír Krejčí (eds), Abusir and Saqqara in the year 2000, 99-120. Praha: Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Oriental Institute.
Martin, Geoffrey Thorndike, Jacobus van Dijk, Maarten J. Raven, Barbara G. Aston, David A. Aston, Eugen Strouhal, and Ladislava Horáčková 2001. The tombs of three Memphite officials: Ramose, Khay and Pabes. Photographs by Peter-Jan Bomhof. Egypt Exploration Society, Excavation Memoir 66. London: Egypt Exploration Society.
???”...by Geoffrey Thorndike Martin ... [et al.] ; with the collaboration of Hans D. Schneider and René van Walsem ; plans and general account of the architecture by Kenneth J. Frazer ; photographs by Peter-Jan Bomhof.???
Martin, Geoffrey T. 2001. Wall paintings in Memphite tombs of the New Kingdom. In Davies, W. V. (ed.), Colour and painting in ancient Egypt, 101-105. London: British Museum Press.
Martin, Geoffrey T. 2001. A statuette fragment and a jar sealing of the ‘heresy’ period. The Bulletin of the Australian Centre for Egyptology 12, 79-83.
Martin, Geoffrey T. 2002. El proyecto de las tumbas reales de Amarna: las tres primeras campañas. Translated by Isabel Olbés. Boletín de la Asociación Española de Egiptología 12, 45-47.
Martin, Geoffrey T. 2003. Private stelae of the Early Dynastic Period from Abydos: an appeal for information. Göttinger Miszellen 193, 5-8.
Martin, Geoffrey T. 2003. An Early Dynastic stela from Abydos: private or royal? In Quirke, Stephen (ed.), Discovering Egypt from the Neva: the Egyptological legacy of Oleg D. Berlev, 79-84. Berlin: Achet.
Martin, Geoffrey T. 2004. Seals and seal impressions from the site of Lisht: the Middle Kingdom and Second Intermediate Period material. In Bietak, Manfred and Ernst Czerny (eds), Scarabs of the second millennium BC from Egypt, Nubia, Crete and the Levant: chronological and historical implications; papers of a symposium, Vienna, 10th - 13th of January 2002, 103-106. Wien: Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften.
Martin, Geoffrey T. 2005. The Egyptian temple in the mosaic of Palestrina. In Jánosi, Peter (ed.), Structure and significance: thoughts on ancient Egyptian architecture, 415-427. Wien: Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften.
Martin, Geoffrey Thorndike ??? 2005. Stelae from Egypt and Nubia in the Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge, c. 3000 BC - AD 1150. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Raven, Maarten J., Barbara G. Aston, Ladislava Horácková, and Geoffrey T. Martin 2005. Preliminary report on the Leiden excavations at Saqqara, season 2005: the tombs of Horemheb and Meryneith. Jaarbericht van het Vooraziatisch-Egyptisch Genootschap Ex Oriente Lux 39, 5-17.
Martin, Geoffrey T. 2006. The Valley of the Kings: a personal perspective. Boletín de la Asociación Española de Egiptología 16, 113-120.
Martin, Geoffrey T. 2006. Epigraphy: recording reliefs and inscriptions in the filed and in the museum collections. Saqqara Newsletter 4, 7-10.
Martin, Geoffrey T. 2006. The lapis lazuli scarab from grave circle B at Mycene. In Czerny, Ernst, Irmgard Hein, Hermann Hunger, Dagmar Melman, and Angela Schwab (eds), Timelines: studies in honour of Manfred Bietak 2, 191-196. Leuven: Peeters; Departement Oosterse Studies.
Martin, Geoffrey T. 2006. [OBITUARY] David M. Dixon 1930-2005. Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 92, 241-243.
Martin, Geoffrey T. 2007. The Early Dynastic necropolis at North Saqqara: the unpublished excavations of W. B. Emery and C. M. Firth. In Hawass, Zahi A. and Janet E. Richards (eds), The archaeology and art of ancient Egypt: essays in honor of David B. O'Connor 2, 121-126. Le Caire: Conseil Suprême des Antiquités de l'Egypte.
Martin, Geoffrey T. 2008. The stela and grave of Merka in Saqqara North. In Engel, Eva-Maria, Vera Müller, and Ulrich Hartung (eds), Zeichen aus dem Sand: Streiflichter aus Ägyptens Geschichte zu Ehren von Günter Dreyer, 463-476. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz.
Martin, Geoffrey T. 2009. Racy, head of the bakery of the Lord of Truth. In Rössler-Köhler, Ursula and Tarek Tawfik (eds), Die ihr vorbeigehen werdet … Wenn Gräber, Tempel und Statuen sprechen: Gedenkschrift für Prof. Dr. Sayed Tawfik Ahmed, 145-149. Berlin; New York: de Gruyter.
Martin, Geoffrey T. 2009. The co-regency stela University College London 410. In Magee, Diana, Janine Bourriau, and Stephen Quirke (eds), Sitting beside Lepsius: studies in honour of Jaromir Malek at the Griffith Institute, 343-359. Leuven: Peeters; Departement Oosterse Studies.
Martin, Geoffrey T. 2009. Protecting Pharao: three unpublished magical figures. In Régen, Isabelle and Frédéric Servajean (eds), Verba manent: recueil d’études dédiées à Dimitri Meeks par ses collègues et amis 2, 277-294. Montpellier: Université Paul Valéry.
Martin, Geoffrey T. 2011. Review: Eaton-Krauss, Marianne 2008. The thrones, chairs, stools, and footstools from the tomb of Tutankhamun. Griffith Institute Publications. Oxford: Griffith Institute. Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 97, 257-259.
Martin, Geoffrey Thorndike 2011. Umm el-Qaab 7: Private stelae of the Early Dynastic Period from the royal cemetery at Abydos. Archäologische Veröffentlichungen, Deutsches Archäologisches Institut, Abteilung Kairo 123. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz.
Martin, Geoffrey T. 2011. The dormition of princess Meketaten. In Aston, David, Bettina Bader, Carla Gallorini, Paul Nicholson, and Sarah Buckingham (eds), Under the potter's tree: studies on ancient Egypt presented to Janine Bourriau on the occasion of her 70th birthday, 633-644. Leuven; Paris; Walpole, MA: Peeters.
Martin, Geoffrey Thorndike 2012. The tomb of Maya and Meryt, I: the reliefs, inscriptions, and commentary. Photographs by Peter Jan Bomhof and Anneke de Kemp. Egypt Exploration Society, Excavation Memoir 99. London: Egypt Exploration Society.
Martin, Geoffrey T. 2012. I recenti scavi nella tomba reale di Horemheb nella Valle dei Re. In Bongioanni, Alessandro and Tiziana Baldacci (eds), L’Egitto a Torino, 177-181. Torino: ACME Associazione amici collaboratori del Museo egizio di Torino.
Martin, Geoffrey Thorndike 2012. The “lost” New Kingdom tombs of the Memphite necropolis. Saqqara Newsletter 10, 10-13.
Martin, Geoffrey Thorndike 2016. Tutankhamun’s regent: scenes and texts from the Memphite tomb of Horemheb for students of Egyptian art, iconography, architecture, and history. With contributions by Jacobus van Dijk, Christopher J. Eyre, and Kenneth J. Frazer †. Egypt Exploration Society, Excavation Memoir 111. London: Egypt Exploration Society.
Martin, Geoffrey T. 2016. Re-excavating the tomb of Horemheb in the Valley of the Kings. In Elleithy, Hisham (ed.), Valley of the Kings since Howard Carter: proceedings of the Luxor Symposium November 4, 2009, 95-106. Cairo: Ministry of Antiquities.
Martin, Geoffrey T. 2017. The bestower and the recipient: on a controversial scene in the Memphite tomb of Horemheb. In Verschoor, Vincent, Arnold Jan Stuart, and Cocky Demarée (eds), Imaging and imagining the Memphite necropolis: Liber Amicorum René van Walsem, 47-55. Leiden: Nederlands Instituut voor het Nabije Oosten.
Martin, Geoffrey T. 2018. Yvonne M. Harpur: an appreciation. In Jánosi, Peter and Hana Vymazalová (eds), The art of describing: the world of tomb decoration as visual culture of the Old Kingdom. Studies in honour of Yvonne Harpur, 13-17. Prague: Charles University, Faculty of Arts.
Festschrift: van Dijk, J. (ed.). Another Mouthful of Dust: Egyptological Studies in Honour of Geoffrey Thorndike Martin. Leuven: Peeters, 2016.